Unraveling The Court Cards

A lot of people struggle with the Tarot Court. 

Unlike the Major and Minor Arcana, they don't fit neatly into any box. The court cards depict courtly/affluent life in European society. Even though the clothing and titles change, the drama and intrigue stay the same. I believe a big part of the reason that people feel knotted up over these cards is due to the massive social change over the last six decades. Before this, the court cards would have been an accurate reflection of the people who sought out a Tarot reading: white, upper middle class, heterosexual, engaged in traditional Western sex roles. 

Since the 1960s we have seen a mass movement of change: women are now just as likely to be degree-toting professionals as men, and they are just as likely to earn as much or even more than their male counterparts. Men have moved into domestic life. Divorce is not the big shame that it once was. Many people are not getting married anymore. A lot of rainbow people are coming out of the closet and announcing their departure from the heterosexual world and a lot of heterosexual people are indulging their curiosity and openly sticking their toes into other pools. We have also seen a race revolution. Just as homosexual relationships were decriminalized, so were interracial relationships. It is now completely normal to share space with the physically and intellectually disabled, who would have been locked up in institutions away from public view, before all this social change. 

I am amazed that the little white books that come with Tarot cards still cling to these old-school interpretations: "A lady, fair and idle" and "A gentleman of noble birth". Those aren't working anymore. I am certainly not the first person to address this. There have been a few books published over the last ten to fifteen years addressing this very subject matter. I am happy to see them. I would like to throw my own court card meanings into the soup.

If you want to skip past this and just get to the part where I write about the definitions of the court cards, scroll down to "OMG JUST TELL ME HOW TO READ THEM ALREADY" If you have the time and spoons to read the breakdown, get a cup of tea and a sandwich, and clear your schedule for a bit because I'm info-dumping in one post. 

They aren't always people

The Major Arcana cards often show the Shakespearian evolution of a thing. The Tarot Court can provide some Coles notes. Their presence can show the stages of development. If the following points seem familiar to older readers, it's because they are. Like a lot of the other old biddies, I read books by Eileen Connolly and these points paraphrase her original writings:
  • The Pages bring seeds. They correspond to the Aces. If the Page and the Ace show up in the reading, then the Page describes an event and the Ace is the seed that has been planted. If the Page is there but the Ace is not, then the seed/idea/initiating action is waiting in the wings. It will happen soon but not right this minute. If you don't like the idea of seeds, think of Pages as heralds. They bring excited and anticipatory energy into your reading. Their presence announces that a change is coming, and it will most likely deal with everyday aspects of life. You can look to the suit of the Page to determine what that change or event is concerned with.
  • The Knights are the seeds that burst forth and announce their presence. Depending on how you react or respond to things will determine if you think these little shoots are beautiful flowers or terrible weeds. If you don't like that analogy, just understand that Knights are the change heralded by the Page and/or the Ace. The Knights bring impulsive and reactionary energy to the reading. Where the Pages are childlike, the Knights are adolescent-like and carry the sort of energy we associate with the age group from 15-25 years old: they have knowledge, they have been through some tests, but they still think they're immortal and they haven't yet reached the headspace where they understand exactly how their actions affect the people around them. You know how when you watch the news about an accident or shooting and from one hour to the next nothing is the same? All the numbers are changing? The story changes? That is Knight energy. Everything boils and shifts in full view. This is the point in an issue that conspiracies can be created because people misunderstand what is happening. If you have determined that the Knight or Knights in your reading relate to events and aren't people, then just understand that the issue you are seeing laid out on the dining room table in front of you hasn't settled down yet. You won't have a clear picture of what is going on until the Knights either disappear or start showing up in positions related to the past. 
  • The Queens show the reaction or response to an issue. The seed has been planted, it has grown and burst forth from the soil quite energetically and suddenly leaves and buds start shooting out all over the place. Do you love this plant and nurture it so that it may grow and develop or do you tear it up out of the soil so that it can't infect your other plants? Maybe you carefully transplant it elsewhere in your garden or give it away to someone else. The Queen can also be the reaction of others, depending on where in your reading she is placed. She can also show your feelings on the issue as it developed if she shows up in the past and she can also show what you most likely will be feeling if things keep on their present course, should she appear in a future position. 
  • The Kings show the final evolution or integration of a thing or event. They are the logical conclusion. Does this mean that the thing symbolized by the King is over? Not necessarily. It just means that at this time, everything is stabilized. That is the energy of the Kings in the Tarot Court. They are like a minor version of The Emperor. Life does not stay settled for long, though, and even if this particular issue chronicled by the Tarot is a done deal, that doesn't mean that it doesn't have a life force of its own capable of spawning other issues or events. 

The Neverending Story

In 1976 evolutionary biologist Richard Dawkins coined the term "memetics" to describe memes (pronounced "meems") and how they evolve and spread through culture. Memes are a snapshot of a moment in culture and they convey information about a particular society. In our current culture memes are actual snapshots - photographs - taken from moments in daily life or mass entertainment - that everyone can relate to and share on social media. Dawkins saw memes as a cultural parallel to biological genes. If an element of pop culture was meant to survive, it would. It could also evolve and change, just like a set of genes. Issues, events, problems, victories - they are all like this, too. Even though something can show up in a reading as being "done" because the King has graced us with his presence - that doesn't mean that it hasn't evolved to create new life via new issues that can pop up - because what do Kings do? They expand their territory. That's life, though, a constant evolution of beginnings and endings. 

Personality comes first

When I read court cards as people, I read personalities, not sex or gender. If you're fixated on the cards being male or female then this will be difficult when you begin. There are a lot of times when I definitely see them being one or the other in a card reading. Usually, I just describe the personality and the client will say "I know exactly who that is" They don't have to tell me, but many often do. 

Over the decades many Tarot readers have come up with different ways of making it easier for people to understand the personalities of the Tarot Court. The most common way is to structure them as families. Another way that I have seen here and there is to use the Myers-Briggs Personalities, INTJ, ENFJ, etc. This is a great structure because there are sixteen of these personality types and they do line up nicely with the Tarot Court. I saw a book once, several years ago, using this method and I haven't seen it since. I kick myself for not having purchased it because I can't even remember the title now. Over the years I have searched for books about this and have found none, I don't know if other authors have written about using a Myers-Briggs framework but articles and blog posts about this can be found online by searching Google, even if it isn't showing up in any books. If anyone reading this knows of any books with Myers-Briggs info relative to the Tarot Court, please let me know because I would be very interested in reading them. 

Tarot cards are astrological and numerological flashcards

THIS is the primary way that I look at the Tarot Court when I see them as people. I'm not going to say it's an easy way because for some people it will be confusing. If you don't know anything about astrology then this might have you scratching your head so I will explain as I go. In another post, I will examine the numerology of the Tarot Court. It'll probably be just as long as this one. 

Each suit relates to a cardinal sign

Within the zodiac, there are cardinal, fixed, and mutable signs. For now, we will be looking at the cardinal signs. These are the zodiac signs that show up at the beginning of a season. The cardinal signs are:
  • Aries: The sign of Aries signifies the beginning of spring. Its corresponding Tarot suit is Wands.
  • Cancer: The sign of Cancer signifies the beginning of summer. Its corresponding Tarot suit is Cups.
  • Libra: The sign of Libra signifies the beginning of autumn. Its corresponding Tarot suit is Swords.
  • Capricorn: The sign of Capricorn signifies the beginning of winter. Its corresponding Tarot suit is Pentacles. 
Note: Some Tarot decks reverse the astrological correspondences of Swords and Pentacles. Decks such as Ellen Cannon Reed's "The Witches Tarot" and CC Zain's "Brotherhood Of Light" Tarot are two such decks but there are others. I know that I know why, and the answer eludes me at the moment. Now that I am thinking of it, I will wake up at 2 a.m. shouting the reason to the cats tonight. 

Each member of the Tarot Court relates to a cardinal sign

  • Aries: The Kings 
  • Cancer: The Queens
  • Libra: The Knights
  • Capricorn: The Pages 

Each member of the Tarot Court also corresponds to a planet

  • The Sun: The Kings
  • The Moon: The Queens
  • Mercury: The Knights
  • Saturn: The Pages

Now let's start putting it together

Each Tarot Court shares the same ascendant. The ascendant will correspond to the sign that matches their suit. Each member will have their corresponding planet and sign. This will determine the house that gets examined.

The Court of Wands

  • King of Wands: Aries ascendant, Sun in Aries (1st House)
  • Queen of Wands: Aries ascendant, Moon in Cancer (4th House)
  • Knight of Wands: Aries ascendant, Mercury in Libra (7th House)
  • Page of Wands: Aries ascendant, Saturn in Capricorn (10th House) 

The Court of Cups

  • King of Cups: Cancer ascendant, Sun in Aries (10th house)
  • Queen of Cups: Cancer ascendant, Moon in Cancer (1st House)
  • Knight of Cups: Cancer ascendant, Mercury in Libra (4th House)
  • Page of Cups: Cancer ascendant, Saturn in Capricorn (7th House)

The Court of Swords

  • King of Swords: Libra ascendant, Sun in Aries (7th House)
  • Queen of Swords: Libra ascendant, Moon in Cancer (10th House)
  • Knight of Swords: Libra ascendant, Mercury in Libra (1st House)
  • Page of Swords: Libra ascendant, Saturn in Capricorn (4th house)

The Court of Pentacles

  • King of Pentacles: Capricorn ascendant, Sun in Aries (4th House)
  • Queen of Pentacles: Capricorn ascendant, Moon in Cancer (7th House)
  • Knight of Pentacles: Capricorn ascendant, Mercury in Libra (10th House)
  • Page of Pentacles: Capricorn ascendant, Saturn in Capricorn (1st House)
To make sense of these court placements you need to understand the placement of the houses in an astrological chart. I am going to use a North Indian Vedic chart because I study Vedic astrology and this chart is the one I know the best BUT you can do this with a Western chart as well, for those who practice Western astrology. The Western circular chart below has fixed zodiac signs, so it is the houses that move around the chart. 

There are different chart styles in use in Vedic astrology. The North Indian chart is a fixed-house chart. A fixed-house chart is an astrology chart whose houses never change position. The signs of the zodiac change instead, with the sign of the ascendant always being placed in the first house. 

The houses that we will be concerned with are the 1st, 4th, 7th, and 10th houses. They make up the center diamond of the North Indian chart. Anyone who has studied any type of astrology that uses the twelve houses and zodiac signs knows that these are the angular houses or kendra. The angular houses are the natural houses of the cardinal signs of the zodiac:
  • Aries is the natural ruler of the first house
  • Cancer is the natural ruler of the fourth house
  • Libra is the natural ruler of the seventh house
  • Capricorn is the natural ruler of the tenth house
These houses are important in astrology because they relate to a person's well-being, achievements, and social standing, as well as a person's overall direction and success in life. We will not be looking at all the signs in these houses, just the ones that govern the suits and the individual members of each court. We are also not going to be investigating every planet in these houses, just the ones that correspond to the individual court cards. 

Let's look at the houses

The twelve houses of an astrology chart relate to different areas of life. 
  • The first house, also called the Lagna, or Ascendant, sets the entire chart. All the other signs proceed in order from whatever is placed in the first house. This house shows a person's personality, physical appearance, and overall demeanor. It is the house of the self and shows character, identity, and vitality. This is also the area of life that the Suit of Wands is concerned with.
  • The fourth house is associated with home, family, roots, and emotional well-being. It represents one's domestic environment, ancestral property, mother, and inner emotional stability. It also signifies education, vehicles, and immovable assets. This is the area of life covered by the Suit of Cups.
  • The seventh house is the house of partnerships, marriage, and relationships. It represents one's spouse, business partnerships, and significant others. It also relates to legal matters, contracts, and open enemies. This house relates to the Suit of Swords.
  • The tenth house is the house of career, profession, and social status. It signifies one's professional achievements, reputation, public recognition, and authority. This house is also associated with one's father and the potential for leadership roles. This house relates to the Suit of Pentacles. 

Opposites attract!

If you were reading through that and thought, "The Cups don't cover possessions, that's Pentacles" then understand that the house opposite the fourth house is the tenth house. The Suit of Cups and the Suit of Pentacles are like mirrors to each other. Elemental Water and Earth mix well together. The first and seventh houses are opposite each other. The Suit of Wands and the Suit of Swords mirror each other. Fire is fed by Air and can not exist without it. Everything contains a bit of its opposite. 

It's a neighborhood, though, not a bunch of separate houses

Think of these houses as a path with a specific route. The first house is a neighbor to the fourth house. They can look into each other's houses and because they are neighbors they can share some attributes. The Wands corresponding to Aries and the first house show the public part of someone's personality. The Cups corresponding to Cancer and the fourth house show the parts of us that we try to keep private, although sometimes they come untucked. These neighbors can also agitate each other, being elemental opposites.

Now the fourth house is also a neighbor to the seventh house. These neighbors can look in on each other. The Swords correspond to Libra and the seventh house. They contain some of the emotions and concerns of their Cup neighbors and the Cups carry some of the concerns around things like assets and contracts that their Sword neighbors deal with. These neighbors pair off like biddies and enjoy each other's company. 

Moving along we see that the seventh house is a neighbor to the tenth house. The Pentacles correspond to Capricorn and the tenth house. They are concerned primarily with achievements, wealth or the lack thereof, and security. The Pentacles contain some of the same energy as the Swords but they are also neighbors to the first house, so they also relate to physical needs. Like Fire and Water, Earth and Air are elemental opposites so these two neighbors will not always see eye to eye on many things even though as we know, opposites have more in common than they care to admit.  

This brings us right back to the first house and now I don't need to wake up at 2 a.m. to tell the cats why the elemental rulers of the Tarot suits are sometimes flipped in certain decks. Before I forget, Fire and Earth are friendly to each other in the same way that Water and Air are. 

When you start to look at the suits, houses, and signs, the lines that are very firmly drawn in the little white books that come with the Tarot decks start to become very blurry. 


OK, you win. Here are some ways to read the members of the Tarot Court as personalities. Please note, that anyone can have these personalities. Just because the card shows a woman does not necessarily mean this card is always a woman. They also don't have to have these specific astrological attributes. I know some Tarot books teach this way, for example, that the Queen of Cups is always a Pisces woman or a woman with Piscean attributes. Astrology is the lens through which I am describing various personalities, but they are not fixed to these planets or signs. So if the Knight of Wands shows up in your reading it doesn't specifically mean that a man with an Aries ascendant and a Mercury in Libra will be bombing into your life to stir things up. If you go looking for that you might miss out on the person who simply has those personality attributes or if it's not a person, that type of mundane event. 

The Wands Court (Aries)

King of Wands: Aries ascendant, Sun in Aries (1st house)

As a person: These people are confident and assertive. They are outgoing and attract a lot of attention. People want to be around them, and these folks tend to make others feel safe. They exhibit a strong desire to lead and be in control. They are competitive and here to win. Very straightforward, they are direct and open in all that they do. You will always know where you stand with this individual. They get wound up very quickly, but because they don't keep anything inside, they get angry and then let go of it just as quickly. They often leave a tremendous wake in their path as the Aries temper is legendary. They love to explore new horizons and are not afraid of looking at new ideas. They find inspiration in their travels and adventures. 

As an event: The King of Wands can show an event that concerns the greater good of the seeker's country and how those issues can trickle down to affect them, such as a national recession or a change of political leadership. It probably won't be immediately clear how it affects the seeker since this card relates to larger concerns, so you should always lay down a clarifying card over the top to see what the effect will be for the seeker. In some cases, it can represent upper management or company owners, particularly if the seeker works for a large employer with many layers between them and those at the top. 

Queen of Wands: Aries ascendant, Moon in Cancer (4th house)

As a person: The Queen of Wands is someone who can read people like open books. As much as she channels Aries energy, this particular queen does not like confrontation. The Queen of Wands would rather everyone get along and she tries her best to relate to others. This is a person who likes to take care of everyone and knows exactly what to do for them - or at least they like to think they know best. If these folks have a lot of wealth, they will share with those around them, they want to take care of you. The Queen of Wands will often put everyone around her ahead of herself. The person symbolized by this card is also very community-minded and could be an active volunteer or participant in community activities. 

As an event: This queen can show up when there are issues in the community/neighborhood. Generally speaking, the presence of the Queen of Wands bodes well for a situation even if it seems like things will fall apart. This card contains the can-do spirit and the energy of community rallying. It is an excellent card to pull when fundraising is needed. This particular queen is well-connected and knows how to network and get things done so take her presence in your reading as a sign to activate the PTA phone tree and start raising more awareness. 

Knight of Wands: Aries ascendant, Mercury in Libra (7th house)

As a person: The Knight of Wands is opinionated, mouthy, and brave. They have a powerful presence, and like all the members of the Wands Court, they like to be in charge. Like all the other knights, this particular knight is competitive about things, and that Aries ascendant can make him excessively competitive and prone to some rather impressive displays if he loses. He is very smart, though, and can shift personalities and tactics with ease. This knight works well with a wide variety of people and can use his wit and charm to get out of situations where he has flown too close to the sun. 

As an event: The Knight of Wands points to sudden changes of heart or mind. Impulsive, this knight leaps first and looks afterward. Things come out of left field when this card shows up. Important meetings are suddenly canceled or trips are put on hold for reasons the seeker would never have guessed. This knight can also show a player in the seeker's midst - or maybe the seeker is the one who's going to get caught with their pants around their ankles. Jealousy and competitiveness can also flare when this card shows up.

Page of Wands: Aries ascendant, Saturn in Capricorn (10th house)

As a person: The Page of Wands is a person who loves to work. Ordinarily, an Aries ascendant while very energetic, is not a great finisher. They are excellent starters. The Pages all correspond to Saturn, though, and Saturn grounds everything it touches. This Page can channel their energy with the focus of a laser and keep going at it long after everyone else has given up. All of the Pages want to do a good job because they also symbolize those who are new to something or who are learning. This individual is blunt, open, honest, and tries their best. They also play the long game, which you can certainly find out if ever you cross them. 

As an event: This is a great card to draw when you've followed the rules, fulfilled your obligations, and are starting to feel like you'll never see the end of the tunnel. You're almost there! If those connected to the reading have played nicely with others, good rewards are coming their way. If they have been underhanded, sneaky, dishonest, or cut corners - in short, if they've behaved despicably - they're about to receive their comeuppance. Whether for good or ill, whatever comes out of a situation will be very, very public. This card can also relate to events affecting entire communities or regions, the outcome is dependent on how the leaders have conducted their affairs. 

Notes for the Wands Court:
  • The cards all point to personalities that are assertive, bold, energetic, and extroverted
  • They like to be in charge. They also like to protect and they make good advocates 
  • They can also be overly competitive, mouthy, and rude. 
  • They can cross the line from advocacy to bullying or harassment if their emotions are not kept in check
  • They are the CEOs of "fuck around and find out"
  • They aren't detail-oriented. They all tend to focus on the big picture, leaving or delegating the picky work to others. 
  • They are very inspired visionaries but they can cross the line into zealotry
  • The Wands Court members tend to be active in their community. They all know a guy who knows a guy. They are resourceful and they can help drum up support for or against a thing quickly. 
  • Everything that happens under the influence of the Wands Court is transparent and typically unfolds in front of others 
  • Wands issues tend to involve people that are somewhat removed from the seeker's personal life like community leaders, spiritual leaders, politicians, or company officials

The Cups Court (Cancer)

King of Cups: Cancer ascendant, Sun in Aries (10th house)

As a person: This King leads with more caution and caring. Less impulsive than the King of Wands, this individual cloaks their fiery, risk-taking core with a velvet glove. People are comfortable around this individual. They have a way of gaining the trust of many, quickly. This person can make you feel seen, and for some folks, this is like emotional cocaine. The King of Cups is an expert when it comes to reading the room. He knows your weaknesses before you do and don't be fooled by that cardigan or tweed jacket - he will file away that knowledge and make it work for him at a later time. Don't be fooled by his charming sensitivity - this King is no welcome mat for you to wipe your feet on. 

As an event: The King of Cups as an event or situation is largely positive and happy. It is possible that the seeker or someone else is being recognized for an achievement, or some other milestone is being celebrated. This could also be an A-list event; the seeker could be rubbing shoulders with celebrities from all walks of life!

Queen of Cups: Cancer ascendant, Moon in Cancer (1st house)

As a person: This individual is the Tarot Court CEO of nurturing and caretaking. Emotional and compassionate - sometimes to a fault, this queen is the fluffy bunny cuddle goddess. The Queen of Cups is in touch with her feelings and with everyone else's, too. She operates with few filters and feels her way through life. Heart-centered and psychic, this queen loves artistic and creative pursuits. The folks symbolized by this card also love their home life and creature comforts. They can sometimes get wrapped up in their emotions or the emotions of others and this can make them a little bit bitchy and moody but even when they're pissed off, they're still channeling that healer energy. 

As an event: The Queen of Cups presides over moon-energy events such as sabbats, coven gatherings, psychic work, psychic shows, and healing. These could be visits to alternative healers, massage therapists, or even regular doctors. She can be a fickle bitch, and so her presence could indicate a situation wherein someone in the seeker's life - or the seeker themselves - could be picking up and putting down project after project, leaving things half-done, or playing a round of come here/go away. 

Knight of Cups: Cancer ascendant, Mercury in Libra (4th house)

As a person: The Knight of Cups is a passionate speaker for the people. This card can symbolize a lawyer or someone like a lawyer; someone who can resolve disputes and mediate between parties. Friendly, knowledgable, and chatty - this person will teach you while they help you. They may also be involved in media or entertainment, or something creative and offbeat like spoken-word poetry, performance art, on stage or on social media. They're probably good-looking and they can drop armor and panties with the turn of a phrase. This knight knows he's got your attention. He can read you, just like the rest of this Tarot Court and he can use his powers for bad, toying with hearts and stirring pots when the wind shifts and it suddenly suits him to be an arse. 

As an event: This particular knight's presence can indicate that words will be exchanged. They could be productive conversations that result in new agreements or they could be arguments that change Christmas Dinner forever. Either way they will be emotionally charged and memorable. This card can also signify moving from place to place or job to job, not really sticking around long enough to make one's mark. The Knight of Cups' energy is capricious and it can really influence the emotional tension for better or worse. 

Page of Cups: Cancer ascendant, Saturn in Capricorn (7th house)

As a person: The Page of Cups is a steadfast and loyal friend. They have great curiosity and respect for worldly cultures and traditions and want to learn about the world. If this individual gets to travel, they will adorn their home with mementos and beautiful ornaments from their trips. Psychic and perceptive like the other members of the Cups Court, this person wants to serve those around them and keep everyone happy. They make a loyal spouse, even when their significant other treats them poorly. While not wealthy, the person symbolized by this card will probably work very hard and enjoy some of the trappings of affluence. They are very good at decorating and working with what is in front of them to create a beautiful home. It is also possible that the Page of Cups is very religious and/or holds traditional beliefs. 

As an event: This card can indicate a forthcoming marriage or a birth. It is a fortunate card to get concerning questions of love and romance. When negatively aspected there can be a disruptive event in one's marriage or other serious partnership - even a business partnership. If the surrounding cards do not help to inform the reader then pull a clarifying card, 

Notes for the Cups Court:
  • The Cups personalities like to take care of others and make sure that everyone is comfortable
  • They can all uniformly neglect their own needs 
  • Strongly psychic, they can all read people well and use their knowledge to their advantage
  • They like to mediate but sometimes they can meddle more than help
  • The members of the Cups Court can take things very personally and find insults that never occurred
  • The Cups Court members tend towards being active closer to home with a smaller circle of friends than their Wand and Sword neighbors. 
  • These folks are all very creative and artistic. These talents don't have to manifest along traditional lines. 
  • They make compassionate and inspired teachers
  • These folks will hold a lot of things in that they shouldn't and keep a list of all of the slights between you both, the real and the imagined. Then one day you'll do something like make noise when you chew and that'll be it - the next sound you'll hear is your purse thudding on the curb while they get ready to throw you out with it. You'll spend the next year or so recovering, wondering why having lettuce in your teeth was a deal-breaker. Have a therapist handy.
  • Sometimes they can let their emotions get the better of them and concoct or agree to plans that are rashly laid out

The Swords Court (Libra)

King of Swords: Libra ascendant, Sun in Aries (7th house)

As a person: The King of Swords is restless and industrious. Nothing escapes the person symbolized by this card, they manage their lives carefully and know about every penny in and out. He can be a bit of a micromanager but at the same time, the King of Swords tends to do well in life. Chatty, extroverted, and charming, the King of Swords has many friends and greatly influences everyone in his periphery. Not one to shy away from pleasure, he is discreet about his proclivities. This king may not engage in grand displays of affection in public but that does not mean that he does not love his family. He has many social connections and is quite possibly very well-known locally, regionally, or even nationally. Opportunities come his way because he has a reputation for honest work, professionalism, and seeing things through. 

As an event: The presence of this king shows meetings to quell discord. There is a movement to present the right face, and the right story, particularly between people and their superiors. This could be political, such as a publicity campaign to make a politician look good when they've been caught behaving otherwise. It could also be a movement to make a company leader or supervisor look good to employees. The point is, that the presence of this king in an issue shows there is a disconnect between people that is being glossed over and the people probably have a right to be upset. 

Queen of Swords: Libra ascendant, Moon in Cancer (10th house)

As a person: The Queen of Swords is a misunderstood card. Always written in as the bitter harpy of the Tarot, she is an intellectual powerhouse. Keenly aware of how the game is played, she is an ace conductor. The person symbolized by this card is either quietly wealthy or on their way to power. Their employment is probably "traditional", such as government or corporate. If it's creative, she is in control, ie: if she's an artist, she owns a gallery, if she's a singer she owns a club. This queen takes excellent care of her family and they in turn support her. I feel like part of the reason people don't get this queen is that she doesn't behave "like a girl". She behaves like a man. There is no upward inflection in her voice, she does not dim her intellect, she calls it exactly as she sees it, and if she has to cry she goes out back where no one can see and gets it out of the way before her next meeting. 

As an event: This card denotes a time to step forward and stand on your own. It is time to start taking charge of your own affairs or own your part in something. I find that this is generally a good card. This queen isn't a bad person. She's a very good person that has had difficult experiences and it's given her a hard shell. There is prosperity and success in this card, particularly in creative pursuits that can be managed shrewdly, but you are going to have to first slog through some shit to become the Miranda Priestly you always knew you could be. 

Knight of Swords: Libra ascendant, Mercury in Libra (1st House)

As a person: The Knight of Swords is typically wirey and fit. This is a very active person who never sits still. Always buzzing with the energy of a hummingbird this knight is intelligent, educated, well-read, chatty, charming, and a lot of fun to be around. The person symbolized by this card can probably talk to anyone about anything and this is how they meet a lot of their friends and business contacts. Like a bee visiting every flower, they work the room at any event or outing. This makes them influential and well-liked. The more we shine the more we have our haters, though, and the Knight of Swords is no exception. Fortunate, "lucky", and naive, he has a target on his back for those looking to relieve him of his money or good name. This person is also susceptible to online marketing funnels and videos that promise to tell you "three secrets to success" if only you have twenty minutes to sit and listen.  

As an event: A greater understanding of events could unfold soon. There could be arguments. Knights tend to shake things up and this particular knight likes to mess with the status quo and doesn't particularly care for proper channels. He will acquire useful knowledge by any means. There could also be a loss of money, position, or standard of living through illness or injury. This particular knight lives on his nerves and never says no to a dare. Those symbolized by this card can also think themselves right into an illness. 

Page of Swords: Libra ascendant, Saturn in Capricorn (4th house)

As a person: The Page of Swords is a family-oriented individual. They love children and have a childlike spirit. The person symbolized by this card may have gotten a good start in life via their family or government programs but once off the ground, they flew on their own. They aren't entirely self-made, they had some help. More than the other members of the Swords Court, this page is concerned with the happiness of those closest to them and will work hard so that they don't have to. This is the parent that goes broke on hockey or soccer gear for their kids because they want their children to have all the advantages and fit in. Page of Swords people are more concerned about fitting in and being seen as respectable than the other Swords and they are more traditional in their beliefs and approaches to things. 

As an event: The Page of Swords is a hard worker and resourceful individual who lives well and enjoys the things that pay off with patience and hard work. An employment opportunity could present itself, although the seeker may not be initially impressed with the offer or the work itself, but it will serve them well if they take the job.  When this card shows up there could also be a profitable business move, such as purchasing stocks, real estate, or investing in agribusiness or environmental tech. It is also possible that the seeker may inherit some land or a small sum of money. Unexpected gains can occur when this card presents itself. These gains could be financial or legal. Errors made are typically in the seeker's favor. 

Notes for the Swords Court:
  • The Swords Court typically represents obstacles and problems that need to be solved
  • Often, they show up in a negative position when the seeker needs to find their backbone and stand up for themselves
  • Their presence can also indicate contracts or other important paperwork that needs to be signed
  • Sword cards represent discord, not because they are "bad cards" but because we as humans don't like to lean into discomfort so we try to ignore the things that these cards symbolize in our lives. 
  • Swords people tend to "do it now" or "say it now" - they don't wait for things to come to them. The issues symbolized by the entire Suit of Swords are far less painful or irritating when we take a page from the Swords Court. 
  • The Swords Court is concerned in one way or another with reputation management. They are careful in public and always put their best foot forward 
  • They value intellect and logic
  • They are shrewd and knowledgeable, and not above a little closed-door dealing to get what they want

The Pentacles Court (Capricorn)

King of Pentacles: Capricorn ascendant, Sun in Aries (4th house)

As a person: The King of Pentacles has a rich, rewarding family life. This individual loves their home and the people in it. This may be an individual who has inherited some form of family wealth or chattel. They are doing well in life even if they aren't exactly wealthy because the members of the Pentacles Court are very good at stretching a dollar and manifesting what they need when they need it. Warm and welcoming, this King will share what resources his kingdom has with those in need. This individual is most likely fond of a good meal and appreciative of dessert. Despite his love of creature comforts and luxuries, this king is not fussy or pretentious. He is just as likely as his subjects to roll up his sleeves and get sweaty. 

As an event: The King of Pentacles relates to taking care of the physical needs of his people. On a large scale, this king relates to issues with crops and the food supply chain. If Cups cards are in negative positions this King could foretell a drought. Look to a clarifying card to see if this is positive or negative. A leader may elect to open up their kingdom, country, or area to refugees and asylum seekers. Closer to home this card shows that the seeker may find themselves receiving an inheritance - or relatives. Or strangers. The seeker may be opening their home or helping to support someone who needs help. They may also find themselves rolling up their sleeves to get to work at fixing what is broken around the farm. 

Queen of Pentacles: Capricorn ascendant, Moon in Cancer (7th house)

As a person: This particular queen is friendly but not quite as warm and inviting as the King of Pentacles. She represents an independent individual. Courageous, outspoken, and direct, this queen does not suffer fools gladly. She doesn't have time. The person represented by this card is too busy for any shenanigans. They have work to do, whether it is housework, seeing patients, winning litigation trials, or rescuing puppies they're too busy to indulge in gossip and really, why would they? If this individual has a problem with someone they'll just go straight to the source instead of bitching about it. When she's not running an empire, the Queen of Pentacles is organizing and cooking for church suppers, helping the homeless, and making sure that no one suffers on her watch. From time to time this queen needs to get away from the people she loves to recharge the royal batteries - what happens in Vegas, stays in Vegas. 

As an event: Everybody wins! Well, not exactly. If everyone works hard and shows up and does what is asked or expected of them - then everybody wins. This card as an event foretells good times based on good work done in the past. You reap what you sow and all that good stuff. This card also concerns itself with traditional celebrations and traditions being passed on.

Knight of Pentacles: Capricorn ascendant, Mercury in Libra (10th house)

As a person: The person symbolized by the Knight of Pentacles is the apple of their parents' eye. They definitely hail from a supportive family unless clarifying cards should state otherwise. This individual is courageous and seeks power. They are not content to stay in the mailroom, they have their eye on that corner penthouse office and they'll probably get it, too. This individual is likely to be in the government or military - somewhere traditional. If the seeker draws this as an answer to questions about what they should do, the answer is to take the beaten path. They thrive in the known. A little spendy, especially on the significant other and the kids, they need to be reined in sometimes. Of all the Pentacles Court, this knight is the least frugal and although a dedicated hard worker who can make a lot of money, they will need a structured financial plan for the future. 

As an event: This card foretells victory over opponents if the seeker is willing to play the long game. This card is also tied to scientific discoveries and research. Businesses such as bookstores, pharmacies, and retail outlets selling heavy equipment will do well. Success is not overnight but the gains are more permanent than with the other knights. 

Page of Pentacles: Capricorn ascendant, Saturn in Capricorn (1st house)

As a person: The Page of Pentacles is a bit of a dandy. Not extravagant dressers but they do like to dress well, to the best of their ability. These folks also keep ties with their family although there may be some animosity with siblings. They still support each other and come together when needed but they don't necessarily like each other. This page is ambitious and has his eye on an upward journey to power. The Page of Pentacles loves math and science, and can symbolize someone who is interested in different types of engineering or building. This individual may also be interested in land although unlike the King of Pentacles, the Page of Pentacles is not interested in farming or enjoying green spaces. This page is more likely to parcel it off and sell it for development. Like the other members of the Pentacles Court, this page works hard, is consistent, shows up, and lives a respectable, somewhat conservative life. 

As an event: This page indicates recognition for work done. There could be rewards, raises, or promotions involved. The seeker is on the radar and being noticed. It indicates a fairly normal time as well, no big drama, no upheaval, everyone is happy, and there's money in the bank for nice things. If clarifying cards are negative then there could be illness, minor accidents/injuries, or mischeif such as vandalism, property damage, or car theft. 

Notes for the Pentacles Court:
  • They are all generally welcoming and pleasant
  • Friendlier than the Swords Court, they tend to be similarly private about their business
  • Members of the Pentacles Court play the long game. Things that develop under this suit take longer to show up but are more permanent
  • Like their Wands neighbors, the Pentacles Court like to be out amongst the people, helping however they can
  • The Pentacles Court all work hard and will do whatever job is necessary. They are not above anything if it helps to keep the bills paid 
  • They are the suit most likely to be strongly represented in farming, hunting, trades and small businesses, but of course they can also be professionals
  • They value practical, useful knowledge
  • They tend toward being more conservative and traditional in their beliefs
  • They are generally more stubborn and less likely to change than the other Tarot Courts
  • The Pentacles Court members are less likely to fly off the handle and more likely to be slow to anger
