Cold Comfort For Change

It is high time I made an art post!! She went nameless for a little over four weeks. Then my friend Effy Wild named her, over on Threads. It's a line from a Pink Floyd Song.

I love this piece. One day I'll sell her and she'll be making someone else think. She was my very first attempt at surrealism and my only regret is that I didn't make her bigger. She's a modest 9x12', Caran d'Ache, Carbothello, and Sennelier on archival sanded paper.

She changed so much along the way. I've always been a little bit envious of artists who can sketch something up and then color it in and it looks so much like their reference. She looks nothing like her original sketch. That isn't a bad thing, she got better as I went along.

When I put her out there on Instagram and Facebook, I got concerned messages from people wondering if I was OK. I had to laugh because I was anything but depressed or upset when I made her. I was actually amused. I set out to create a portrait of a social media influencer. I've got so many sketches patiently waiting their turn, all of them my impressions of the many personalities that inhabit social media. 

This particular lady happens to be stuck in a fishbowl entirely in her head. She's full up on old tech that she's becoming polluted. I made her a little Borg-like because hey, I'm GenX. I grew up with TNG and Star Wars. Whatever might have made her distinctive and different has been absorbed by her curated expression. She doesn't say or do what she wants, its all about the platform. She's fishy like Pisces and techy like Aquarius, and she's drowning - but like the 8 of Swords she can fix that situation any old time. Her head is a microcosm of the ocean, polluted and inhospitable.

All she has to do is reach in and pull that crap out. There is no need to cart around all that garbage. She most likely won't take care of it, though. She'll keep stuffing more trash in there.

That poor little fish needs a rest!!!
